Tuesday, December 11, 2007

still now what i did in Servelots

iam started working as System Admin in Servelots from April 07. I learned so many things as a System Administer in Sevrelots. Also i met some new people who has much experience as system administers and some computer programmers.

In servelots i met one person who is a expert in wireless network, his name is Rene, from him i understand how to maintenance the systems, how to check logs and fixing bugs when we installed new applications.how to solve problems in Linux environment.

A). Virtualization:
we both together installed virtual server in one machine. We installed 3 virtual machines on that.on the 3 virtual machines we installed different application for different purpose.the applications are :

I. Godavari virtual Host:

1.Apache2 server
2.No-ip client
3.Servelots wiki
4.Dhcp server

II. Ganga Virtual Host:
1. Chennai web application(developed in ruby on rails)

III. Himalaya
1. Ltsp server.

B). Remote Linux installation:
we installed Debian in one remote server from office it's like changing filesystem from one partition to other partition without loosing the data.

there is more information about this from here:

C). I written a script for data backup using rsync.file name is copy-backup.sh
#! /bin/sh

rsync -avvz --progress --delete-after --exclude-from="Delete" / -e "ssh -p 222 -i /root/backup-rsync-key" joebackup@backup:/remote-backup
touch timestamp

here it's copies data into backup server the /home ,/etc,/usr/bin,/var/www
directories using ssh.

here in rsync we are passing one argument to ssh.this argument is root key, if we pass this to ssh it will login automatically without asking password.

so i just added this script file in "/etc/crontab" like this:

30 18 * * * root /root/copy-backup.sh

this line tells crontab that it will run everyday evening at 6:30.

In office someone written a Perl script for generating static pages using dynamic URLs ,and also it will copy the static pages into where shell we want.

after understanding of the Perl script i wrote small Perl script for generating single static page using dynamic URL.

Perl script is like a scrapbook which is a FireFox plugin.

E). I installed svn in of our server. For our developing software repository. Then i configured the svn with Apache2 for accessing svn repository from outside.

F). I understood how Jakarta-tomcat works.all our office old web applications are developed in java.i deployed all web apps in tomcat,iam maintaining tomcat web server.

G). I written some shell scripts for changing text patterns in database. I installed and configured mediawiki for office use.i configured firewalls in office network for network traffice monitoring, blocking ssh from unknown users, port forwording.

H). Also some times iam working as web developer in office.As a web developer i integrated calendar in a webapplication.i developed the calendar in ruby on rails.

I). I learned little bit of ruby and rails in office.

.......still there is a lot to write.

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